Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday postives

So after my last post on birthdays I was given this comment from quackers:

" I demand that you counter this with at least one positive thing about adding another year to your age ... come on, just one ..."

Since I have the unnatural compulsion to do what I'm told when I can't think of a reason why not too I guess I need to meet her demands.

One positive thing, well let me see, how about I'm one year closer to the sweet release of death? Nope, even though Al Bundy said it doesn't make it positive. How about one year closer to Arthritic Massage, I know it was funny in the commercial, not in real life. I've got it, I'm one...

...nope I lost it, got distracted.

I'd make a sex reference but it would just turn into a Viagra joke.

I suppose the best reason for getting older is that you understand yourself better and you understand your wants better and I can't forget the confidence that comes with age, I think thats the best part.


  1. There you go ... see, that wasn't so difficult, was it? :P

  2. Actually it took me four hours to write.

    But that may be due to the distractions that I was suffering through.
