Monday, April 27, 2009

Pontiac is dead.

General Motors announced two things today. That Pontiac is dead and that they plan to pay off United States Government Loans with stock options.

Back when Oldsmobile was killed, it was sad, but only from a car guy's perspective. To the average man or woman it was a blip, inconsequential. Olds products were re-branded and moved over to other GM divisions. GM killed Oldsmobile because Olds had lost it's image. To this day I have trouble seeing in my mind what Oldsmobile represented.

GM killing Pontiac is different, it represents more then the loss of a brand, it represents a cultural shift. A dangerous shift as I see it. It was done for petty reasons, to show progress to a system that is blind to all but two things. The next four years and how they will look when those years are up. It is a shortsighted system, a dangerous system that only works because a massive bureaucracy holds it together. GM has no such bureaucracy to make momentum, it looks to its leaders, owners and CEOs, for direction, to customers for validation and this is all being taken away.

A government will own GM.

We are all less for it.

Before you shout out that GM built it's house and has to live in it, remember that GM is suffering because it is fulfilling its debts to the people who made it great. Pensioners, the 55% of the automotive workforce in the 60s and 70s who are not retired. GM is holding to its duty to them.

It is my fear that as GM gives it self away to political committees its dedication to the past will fade. GM is supposed to be America's Car company for the American Man and now it will be the Government of America's Car company for the purposes of keeping elected men in power.

Now they say kill Pontiac, you still have Chevrolet, don't compete with yourself. Soon it will be you need this car. This is what you are allowed to buy.

What do we loose next, Corvette? Camaro? Will we end up with only the Volt, the Volt II and the Volt III to choose from?

We buy what we want. That is how it is supposed to be.

Instead we made a house of loans, debt, lies and irresponsibility.

We are less for it.

Go buy a Pontiac; they're like the Dodo, there will be a last one.

All because of stupidity.

I am sad for us all.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I got a Twitter account

Check it out here if you want.

Twitter I may adopt it, may not but we'll have to see it being able to do a text to anyone is worth it.


Monday, April 13, 2009

The summer plan

This is the List of the summer projects.

Build a stage for the May 24, with power.

Build a 48 by 32 garage

Drive the new tractor around and around

Get a job!

Rebuild the engine of the Buick

Go LSR in Maine in August

Go Drag Racing twice this summer

See a Shuttle Launch

Teach the Nephews how to be men

And do Family stuff.